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Useful Information

Useful Information

What Is Counselling?

A brief outline and description of what counselling is and what to expect.

What Is REBT?

A brief outline and description of what REBT is and what to expect.

What Is The Difference Between Counselling and Hypnotherapy

A brief outline and description of what the differences are between Counselling and Psychotherapy to help support you in choosing the right way forward for you.

Hypnotherapy In Education Settings

A brief outline and description of  how and for what hypnotherapy can be used in Education settings.

What Are Psychometric Assessments?

A brief outline and description of what psychometric assessments are in educational and business settings.

What Is Hypnosis?

A brief outline and description of what Hypnosis is and what to expect.

An Example Education Psychometric Assessment

An example of an educational report on a child after  psychometric assessments to support their further education and development.

Finding a Part-Time Governor or Governess

How to get help in finding the perfect Governor or Governess for your child.

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