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  • I am not sure which service I need but, I know I need support. What should I do?
    Taking the steps towards support of any kind for yourself, or those around you, can seem overwhelming. We are more than happy to go through with you what it is you are looking for, in need of or what prompted you to reach out to us. Whether it is for you or those around you; for family, friends or colleagues we are here to listen, connect thoughts and ideas, and support whether that is through us or our close trusted colleagues.
  • How do I know which Educational Report to sign up for?
    Everybody’s circumstances are always a little unique but we can assist you in determining the ‘why’ behind your need for a report. Once this is established it will become clearer which report you require to support your next steps. You can start by asking yourself the why; is it for your own knowledge and understanding, a holistic overview before school entrance exams or have you been asked by the school for a particular reason involving a possible Special Educational Need (SEND)? Perhaps there is another reason than those suggested above… that is why we are here to support you in making the right choice for your situation.
  • Can I get support online as well as in person?
    For many, the world pandemic changed our lives on personal and professional levels. In this time of adaptation it felt that technology took a ‘leap’ forward to support many of us to stay connected despite our location. In doing so it is now very easy to complete support through online means through ‘telehealth’ which are secure platforms allowing excellent levels of communication with chat, video and even more functions. For many we now live in a hybrid style both in our personal and work lives and so we too can adapt. Should you need online or in person support or even a mix this is not an issue for us at all.
  • What if I need more than one type of service?
    If you find yourself in need of more than one service, this won't be a problem. We can work with you to prioritise your needs and create a timetable or program to support you in a way that is both needed and best for your overall wellbeing.
  • I don’t need an Educational Report but I do need help to understand it and work out what to do next, can you help?
    We know from our own experience of educational assessments, from a client and from an assessor point of view, that some reports can be overwhelming and weighty. While this amount of information initially seems a lot to take in, the explanations and statistics are an essential element to the report being given the importance and acceptance by professional bodies.
  • Where are you located?
    We currently work in person from locations across Singapore including Dempsey Hill, Anson Rd, Sentosa and more; as well as online reaching as far as the Middle East, Mauritius, United Kingdom and even Fiji! We are always happy to assist you and have in the past, as I am sure we will in the future, travelled as needed to clients. Why not discuss with us what you feel you need and we can go from there.
  • Do you have international clients in different time zones?
    Yes we do and it brings us such fulfilment to have them not only choose us but also recommend and even return to us for additional services. We have clients in and from every continent with a wide range of cultures. Our world is very globally diverse and we immerse ourselves in this daily.
  • What is a Nanny and a Governess, aren’t they the same thing?
    While there can be some overlaps, the distinctions between a Nanny/Manny and a Governess/Governor are in their qualifications or the field of education. Most Nanny’s and Manny’s are responsible for the daily functioning of the child/children on a non-educational basis. Their jobs often include feeding, bathing, dressing, organising, delivering to and picking up from activities etc. The role of the Governess/Governor is focused on the educational growth of the child/children with close communication with the education establishment, if they go to one, lesson creation, teaching and extending as needed, homework and often supporting them to be rounded and diversely knowledgeable. They do not normally have responsibility for areas such as nutrition but each family and their requirements are very unique and many roles are a hybrid model today, including being a Personal Assistant and Legal Guardian if parents are travelling a lot.
  • How long will my hypnotherapy treatment last?
    Therapy normally begins with a 30-40 minute discovery session where the client is asked a series of questions to help them to express what they need and want and the why. In this session there is an honest conversation about which therapy is most suitable both how and why. Of course, should it be felt by the therapist that the therapies they offer are not suitable for you at this time or as a whole, they will be honest with you but also share details of where you can find those that would be suitable. The number of sessions you may need will be discussed with you during your discovery session but again do remember that everyone is a little unique and you will work with your therapist to create a program that works for you in the best way.
  • What might I experience during hypnotherapy?
    Many speak about how they were so surprised how easily they relaxed and how they had wonderful images and emotions while under trance. Those who have experienced trauma often speak about how they were able to deal with it because they felt slightly removed from it yet somehow able to gain insight, resolutions and release. Everyone is different and we look forward to you sharing your experiences with us, as many have before.
  • How do I pay?
    We currently require clients to settle their payments before we book them into the schedule. This process is a very important part of the steps to helping yourself and making that commitment to you and for you. As well as you making a personal internal commitment, it ensures we can organise our time to support you and others the best that we can and shows respect and value for our time. Most clients choose to pay with a bank transfer but some use PayNow and we are working on further extending our capabilities in the near future.
  • Is therapy affordable, especially hypnotherapy?
    This is a subjective question. I would argue, having been on both client and hypnotherapist sides, you have to see the short, medium and long term value for you. A good way to see this is to imagine an object you value, perhaps a paperweight on your work desk or a mug in your cupboard at home with a special picture or message on. If you were to say how much you would put as a financial price tag to it, you might say $10 because it has extra meaning to you. A person without that attachment or memories may only say $1 as they only see a paperweight or a chipped mug. You need to consider, can you afford not to fix this difficulty you are having? Imagine if you get support now, where you could be personally and professionally in 12 months time. Is your difficulty affecting others around you? If so, remember if you get lasting support, a real release from your difficulty, that new you has ripple effects out to others around you.
  • Do I need to have my GP prior approval for hypnotherapy?
    If you are someone who is taking medication short or long term for an ailment, such as depression, high blood pressure or epilepsy, you will be in regular contact with your physician. It would be recommended on your next appointment with them to mention your suitability for hypnosis and to have that in writing to pass to your hypnotherapist before your first session. If you are someone who is considered normally healthy and you regularly have a clean bill of health, this may not be needed. The best course of action is to talk to your hypnotherapist in your initial meeting as to why you would like hypnosis and then they can direct you from there.
  • Can I have hypnosis if I am taking medication?
    This is a very important question. The answer in general is both yes and no. There are some medications, and reasons for taking them, that mean hypnosis may not be suitable for you. For example some clients with epilepsy or high blood pressure. Having said this, some clients with high blood pressure can use hypnosis to support them but with their hypnotherapist individually selecting a program that uses techniques that do not increase their pressure. In all therapies a case history is initially drawn up with the client and if needed the therapist may ask the client to check with their physician that hypnosis is suitable for them before they start any sessions.
  • Can people of any age be hypnotised?
    Yes, children are very adaptable and accepting of hypnotherapy as they spend some of their time in a world of images, imagination and metaphors. Adults also enjoy being guided into the world of hypnosis and many love the idea that they already have the answers within but just need the facilitation to retrieve or implement it. Hypnosis can work for birth, habit changing, surgery, phobias and even for support and comfort in end of life care.

Useful Information

Useful Information

What Is Counselling?

A brief outline and description of what counselling is and what to expect.

What Is REBT?

A brief outline and description of what REBT is and what to expect.

What Is The Difference Between Counselling and Hypnotherapy

A brief outline and description of what the differences are between Counselling and Psychotherapy to help support you in choosing the right way forward for you.

Hypnotherapy In Education Settings

A brief outline and description of  how and for what hypnotherapy can be used in Education settings.

What Are Psychometric Assessments?

A brief outline and description of what psychometric assessments are in educational and business settings.

What Is Hypnosis?

A brief outline and description of what Hypnosis is and what to expect.

An Example Education Psychometric Assessment

An example of an educational report on a child after  psychometric assessments to support their further education and development.

Finding a Part-Time Governor or Governess

How to get help in finding the perfect Governor or Governess for your child.

© 2022 by True British Spirit for Nable Potential.


Nable Potential (Registered Business Address) 30 Cecil Street, #19-08 Prudential Tower, Singapore, 049712

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